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© 2006-2025 Andrew Cooke (site) / post authors (content).

Unix Command Line ASCII Tree Directory Listing

From: "andrew cooke" <andrew@...>

Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 15:42:41 -0300 (CLST)

The title says it all really.  I wanted one, had a poke round, found this
- - which
(if you delete the line
  print padding + '|'
to make things more compact) works like this:

andrew@... messaging > tree -f .
  | +-main/
  |   +-resources/
  |     +-archetype-resources/
  |     | +-src/
  |     | | +-main/
  |     | | | +-java/
  |     | | |
  |     | | +-test/
  |     | |   +-java/
  |     | |
  |     | +-pom.xml
  |     +-META-INF/
  |       +-archetype.xml
  | +-exported-pom.xml
  | +-project-impl-archetype-0.1.jar
  | +-messaging-archetype-0.1.jar
  | +-classes/
  |   +-archetype-resources/
  |   | +-src/
  |   | | +-main/
  |   | | | +-java/
  |   | | |
  |   | | +-test/
  |   | |   +-java/
  |   | |
  |   | +-pom.xml
  |   +-META-INF/
  |     +-maven/
  |     | +-plugin.xml
  |     +-archetype.xml

Sweet! (that's a Maven archetype to help handle the build process
described at


Unix tree Command

From: andrew cooke <andrew@...>

Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2011 16:24:08 -0400

I just noticed that this blog entry gets hits from google searches, so I
should update it with better information...

These days (and perhaps even when I wrote the original post) many Unixes
support the "tree" command, which gives you an ASCII "picture" of your

  > tree .
  ├── rewrite
  │   ├── andrew cooke  blog_files
  │   │   ├── combo
  │   │   ├── combo(1)
  │   │   ├── compute.css
  │   │   ├── compute.css~
  │   │   └── counter.js
  │   ├── andrew cooke  blog.html
  │   └── andrew cooke  blog.html~
  ├── src
  │   ├──
  │   ├──
  │   ├── constants.pyc
  │   ├──
  │   ├── cute.pyc
  │   ├──
  │   └──
  └── templates
      ├── body.html
      ├── compute.css
      ├── contents.html
      ├── data.html
      ├── index.html
      ├── minibar.html
      ├── reply.html
      └── sidebar.html

  4 directories, 22 files



From: andrew cooke <andrew@...>

Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2011 21:32:30 -0400

Ooops.  OK, so by default tree doesn't use ASCII.  But there's a command line
flag to make it do so:

  > tree --charset ascii .
  |-- rewrite
  |   |-- andrew cooke  blog_files
  |   |   |-- combo
  |   |   |-- combo(1)
  |   |   |-- compute.css
  |   |   |-- compute.css~
  |   |   `-- counter.js
  |   |-- andrew cooke  blog.html
  |   `-- andrew cooke  blog.html~
  |-- src
  |   |--
  |   |--
  |   |-- constants.pyc
  |   |--
  |   |-- cute.pyc
  |   |--
  |   `--
  `-- templates
      |-- body.html
      |-- compute.css
      |-- contents.html
      |-- data.html
      |-- index.html
      |-- minibar.html
      |-- reply.html
      `-- sidebar.html

  4 directories, 22 files

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